When the iconic brand, FLOS contacted me to do a collaboration with them, I jumped at the opportunity. The innovative + enduring company has withstood the test of time, with their impeccable craftsmanship and attention to detail. We all know the company. They are the best of the best. The cream of the crop!


I was generously gifted the Bon Jour unplugged lamp, by designer Philippe Starck. There are several different color options, including: copper, chrome, chrome matte and white. I chose the white base with the clear crown. What I truly love about the table lamp, is that it can be used in a variety of spaces, including my office, to living room, bedroom and even outside. The rechargeable battery, allows the lamp to last for up to 6 hours!


According to the designer, Philippe Starck:

“Bon Jour is a consistent collection of light, exploring the timeless elegance of high-technology dematerialization combined with the freedom of expressing your own creativity.”


The sleek Bon Jour lamp may appear delicate, but it is very sturdy and crafted to perfection. It has already passed the test of my 4 young children. I’m assuming I don’t have to explain what I mean!!!


Stylish, versatile, timeless and well-made…it checks all the boxes. Right now, you can receive 10% off any lighting purchase with code “WILLOW” at FLOS through 8/26/19. It’s a stellar opportunity! Don’t miss out.

All styling, photography + opinions are my own.

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